Everything Changes

Everything Changes
Author: Chlarkfan_phantom
Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville, nor anything relating to it.

The Song is Everything Changes, by Staind

If you just walked away,
What could I really say?
Would it matter anyways?
Would it change how you feel?
"You don't get it! Clark and I, we're just friends. Nothing more. You're my guy." Chloe's eyes were full of tears as she stared at me.

"I'm sorry Chlo.....you're....just...You don't love me like you love him." She never had, and she never would. I could turn this around in a second, and she'll be in my arms again, but then again, who am I kidding? She'll never be mine. Not as long as Clark is around. I had only won one battle, but I could never win the war.

"But...." Chloe quickly turned around and rushed out the door, leaving me to wallow in my own grief. I sat down and sighed, the sadness just starting to hit me.

I remember when I first met Clark. I had been walking down the stairs of the Daily Planet and saw Chloe. She then looked up and started smiling. It was like, the biggest smile I've ever seen on her. She threw down her yogurt and ran towards me, her arms opening up for a hug. Or at least, I thought she was running at me. But she wasn't. She ran straight into the arms of another guy before she reached me. That sure crushed my spirits.

He was tall, with green eyes, and wearing a blue jacket. It was obvious that this was the Clark that she had talked so fondly about when we were interns. Clark was holding on to her like she meant the world to him, and as I was about to find out, she did mean the world to him. I should have known to walk away. To cut my loses and find some other girl. But I didn't. Instead I walked up to her like an idiot and asked her out. She surprised when when she actually did agree. But then C.K gave me this look like he wanted to crush every bone in my body.

Uh oh, were my exact thoughts. Chloe must be his girl. He's going to kill me! But instead, he merely looked at me, scaring me out of my wits.

Ha, I got Chloe. I got her first, I thought. How nieve I was. No one could ever get Chloe from Clark. Not even if you were some sort of Superman. They have this....this bond...that connects them. I had never gotten Chloe. I had merely delayed the process of him asking her out. The guy has hated me since. He acts nice to me when Chloe's around, but I can see it in his eyes. He still wants to pummel me into the ground. And it's all because he's madly in love with her, and she's in love with him, yet Clark barely knows it. Chloe's going to end up in Clark's arms one day. And there's nothing that anyone can do about it
If you just walked away,
What could I really say?
It wouldn't matter anyways.
It wouldn't change how you feel

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